Do you know? Squatting Help You Poop Better (Must Read)

Some modern conveniences come at a cost. The Western toilet has been called out for playing a role in…
Irritable bowel disease (IBD)
Heart attack Non-Westernized societies that use a hole in the ground for elimination purposes have a far lower rate of bowel disease than Western cultures do. That’s in part due to the fact that they squat, rather than sit, when going to the bathroom.
It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. Our primitive ancestors never sat down and read a newspaper when pooping; rather, they squatted down to do their business. To put it simply: the body was designed to squat.
How Squatting Helps You Poop Better
When you sit on the toilet, your legs assume a 90-degree angle to your torso. This positioning squeezes the anal canal, thereby hampering elimination and encouraging straining, which contributes to all manner of bowel issues, and even temporarily impairs blood flow!
When you squat down to poop, your knees naturally come closer to your torso. Squatting relaxes your rectum, keeping it straight and encouraging easy elimination. Squatting also helps your body get rid of excess toxins and fecal matter in the intestinal tract.
Thankfully, there’s no need to dig a hole in your background and get primitive. You can use a footstool to help your body strike a squatting pose, or invest in a Squatty Potty, a simple and easy accessory for a natural squat position while sitting on your toilet.
Source: Better- Health
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