Lil Wayne Involved In S3x Tape,threatens to sue if released without his consent

In an interview with an American gossip platform Lil Wayne said ” If Someone Sells a $€x Tape with My Socks On, I’ll Sue!!! ”
Someone’s shopping a $€x tape around starring Lil Wayne and 2 chicks, but Wayne’s representatives are saying – if a p0rn company dares to market it, they will have hell to pay, we’re told the big p0rn companies have been contacted by a person in possession of the tape, which shows Wayne in nothing but his socks, and 2 beautiful more-than-accommodating women who do all the work.

Wayne’s rep says if there is a tape, the rapper didn’t know he was being filmed. The rep makes it clear they will pounce if a tape is released to the public, saying, “We’ll sue the hell out of them.” Without Wayne’s sign-off, the big p0rn companies would never take the risk

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