Conjoined Twins Successfully Separated In 6-Hour Surgery (PHOTOS)
Happy parents of two conjoined baby girls born in May this year allowed a photographer to take a look at the twins two weeks after a crucial surgery, Salvador, Brazil.
Maria Clara and Maria Eduarda Santana were born sharing an abdomen and liver and were successfully separated five months after that.
It took six gruelling hours and 15 medical professionals to part the twins, so they could start living on their own.
André said: “I saw those pretty girls who are now separated in body but the symbolic union prevails; they are sisters and human beings, generated in the same belly.
I also managed to photograph part of the professional staff who look after Maria Clara and Maria Eduardas’s health day-by-day.
They are sympathetic people, and carry out a beautiful job. I feel very happy by writing through images [about] the girls’ and their family’s lives.
The girls’ condition is not easy, the place is poor and they need and will need many donations.
The mother told me that sometimes one of them sleeps and the other stays awake, so caring for them can be very difficult.
In spite of all the difficulties they face, the family are hopeful that the surgery will give them a better future.
Childhood is something that fascinates me a lot and photographing the extremes of it fascinates me even more.”
Fortunately, the life-changing operation was successful and the chubby-cheeked sisters are in stable condition and recovering.
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