Family of UNILAG Student Electrocuted in Campus to be Compensated - VC

Miss Oluchi Anekwe
Miss Oluchi Anekwe

University of Lagos VC, Rahmon Bello has said that adequate compensation must be made to the family of late Miss Oluchi Anekwe.
During a press briefing at the University of Lagos conference centre, Professor Rahmon Bello, the school's Vice Chancellor, said that adequate compensation must be made by Eko Electricity Distribution Plc, EKEDP to the family of late Miss Oluchi Anekwe.

"The Federal Government panel findings has established that the faulty cable which caused Oluchi’s death belong to EKEDP and they must pay compensation to the family of the deceased.

"EKEDP has put in place an Assurance Policy by an Insurance company whereby a compensation will be paid to family of a deceased in case of lost of life.

"The Insurance company has been contacted to come and assess the damage and give their recommendations for compensation. As soon as this is done, we will know the amount."

Contrary to reports that late Oluchi was not professionally handled when she arrived at the Medical Centre, Bello disclosed that the University panel has established that both the nurse and doctor on duty confirmed she had no pulse on arrival and she was brought in dead to the Medical Centre.

"In accordance with standard practice, while her body was deposited at the mortuary, an autopsy was conducted and the pathologist came to the conclusion that her death occurred within seconds to few minutes of contact with the 11KV electric cable."

It can be recalled at on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at about 7:00pm, an 11 KV overhead transmission cable belonging to the EKEDP, fell and electrocuted Oluchi Anekwe, a 300-Level Accounting student.

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