Toolz Exposed - She Uses Photoshop To Enhance Her Shape - See Proof

Could this be true?
A blogger brought this to our knowledge, and since the info hit the internet tongues are wagging ,

According to the Writer

It takes a skilled eye to catch photoshop fails. Toolz claims you should "love what you're working with…" Does she really love what she's working with because it seems like she has been cinching her waist & widening her hip to enhance her shape? Women need to stop altering themselves for some form of social media validation. Tunde Demuren, please tell your babe to love herself as you do & stop faking it for the gram.
I've circled all the curved lines to prove Toolz is using TOOLS to create her shape.

See photos and caption below:

Curved wall line & curved floor line.
Curved floor line.

Curved chair leg but if you look on the chair by the left, the chair legs 
Shadows don’t lie. I am seeing some tummy in the shadow but Toolz has 
flattened hers in the picture.
Curved wall line.
Curved wall line.

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