Checkout Tiwa Savage's Adorable Shoot For ThisDay Style Magazine Cover

Tiwa Savage is the cover star of this Sunday’s edition of This Day Style. The hot mama of one is killing it in the shoot by TY Bello.

Ty Bello says:
TIWA SAVAGE : FAITH I couldn’t wait to see the clothes @tiwasavage would be photographed in .Especially that #RED dramatic dress that just wouldn’t leave my head ..I had never seen the dress before but it made such a strong impression in my heart ..I KNEW it had to EXIST. ..I had built some black panels to create an enclave for Tiwa to stand in.I wore my clothes inside -out ready to quickly paint the panels into what ever Colors worked with the clothes when they arrived . … And arrived they did.. A beautifully curated set of outfits that interpreted everything we had discussed.. But ALL IN BLACK!.. I had been silent about color when we pre planned to keep things fluid… But I understood that black was very versatile but sometimes difficult color to build a story on and I had to make a creative decision on my approach . I scanned the room for all that we had : amazing BLACK clothes and RED props from Mushin market … My biggest prop being an old RED Toyota starlet with BLACK and white faux -fur seats that I had chased down in Mushin market traffic the day before ..Convincing it’s driver ( who at first thought I was crazy )to bring it over to me the day before . I chose to shoot every thing AS THEY WERE. It became clear to me that I was going to have to ‘FAITH-IT’with this shoot . Black paired with red was stark and looked nothing like the pallet of different colors and tones that danced on the photos in my mind. So I had to make the images .. With what we had ..KNOWING and TRUSTING that the color pallets I SAW already EXISTED in the RAW black and red pixels and only had to be CALLED OUT in postproduction . This is how life is .. Not very predictable and sometimes we have to DECIDE to SEE the beauty when it’s not so obvious . So what ever color life is serving remember @tiwasavage and that Faith always makes new options … CALL out the red .. CALL out the green .. And all the colors in between ..! #tybellophotography #photostories

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