Meet Sosu Patrick, dapper Ghanaian roasted corn seller who dresses in suit & tie (Photos)

Pictures of 40yr old Sosu Patrick has gone viral on the internet since it surfaced, SP like he is fondly called is well known in streets of Accra for his unique dress code while selling his roasted corn and dry coconut. 
According to Kobby Blay who spotted him and shared pics,

Patrick’s code of dressing has never been a day without a suit usually second hand from Kantamanto and a bead knitted tie with the colors of the Ghana flag.

He tells me that this business of his actually started some five years after having had a dream that this was going to be the break through. He has even tried selling pure water,

“Kofi brokeman” (roasted plantain) all on the streets same. So far all his three daughters are in school,

“I have some other children too, and they are in school where I hail from, I have quite a large farm and will soon complete my house”.

His worst day doing this job has been his arrest by the city authorities of where he does his business.

See more photos below

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