6 Valid Tips To Secure Your Social Media Account

Social media is now an essential part of business and our daily lives. Thus, making it critical that you keep your accounts safe. You can only imagine the damage that will be done if someone gained unauthorised access to your accounts. It can ruin your reputation depending on the content of your account that is exposed to the public. These tips shared by Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency should help in keeping your social media accounts safe and secured.

Activate two-factor authentication

The easiest and most effective way to secure your social media account is two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication locks out illegitimate users by requiring them to input a verification code sent directly to their mobile phone through SMS text message once they login with the correct username and password combination.

Verify with links

Another method to secure your social media accounts it to verify and be careful of what links you click on. Many links on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram direct to legitimate news sources, but there have been numerous incidents when this is not the case.

Use a strong password

This point has been over flogged but some people do not still abide by it. They use weak passwords for their social media accounts and at the same time, they use that password for all their accounts. This is risky as once the weak password is discovered, hackers can have access to all your accounts. You can use a password manager like LastPass to keep track of your passwords.

Use emails that are not public to login

This is an unknown tactic that very few individuals and businesses use. This means logging in to your social network accounts with a non-public email address, or an email that no one knows about.

Limit third-party applications

Another contributor to social media theft are third-party applications. Limiting third-party applications that have access to your social media accounts will leave them near impossible for hackers to gain unauthorised access.

Be careful where you login
Many malicious attackers create almost identical login pages dedicated to stealing social media credentials. Be careful where you choose to login, always verify the URL and application before allowing any form of access.

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