TB Joshua Makes Shocking Revelation On Food Scarcity In Nigeria

TB Joshua Makes Shocking Revelation On Food Scarcity In Nigeria

On Sunday May 22, 2016, T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), made more shocking revelations on his Emmanuel TV station concerning Nigeria and the world at large. The prophet spoke on many issues including the recent EgyptAir crash, African politics and agriculture, even warning of a terrorist attack in the United Kingdom.

He read out a transcript of the prophecies he had given during his New Year’s Crossover Service, highlighting particularly the national food scarcity. On each point read, he expanded further, detailing what Nigeria and Africa are to expect in the nearest future.


“There will be large scale scarcity, shortage of food. As a state, country, continent, we have to go back to the farm to arrest, to alleviate the forthcoming situation”, he read. Further expanding on the details of the prophecy, he said, “It is only a ‘shortage’ that you are experiencing now; you have not experienced ‘large scale.’ ” Giving further insight, he proclaimed, “This one that I am saying now, ‘scarcity’, ‘large scale’, it’s a proverb. Whatever you can do from now till December – all of your money you will use to buy food – you will not have enough to buy.”
Advising those in the real-estate business he said, “If you are the type planning to build a house now, stop it for the mean time. If you are in the business of buying land, stop it for the mean time – look for another business. Stop it for the mean time until February next year. Use that money on the need of people now.”

Giving a sombre warning, he said, “I’m preparing you. Get ready; lager scale scarcity is coming!”


On the economic plight Nigerians are facing, Joshua read from his beginning of year prophecies: “The president will do everything to reject devaluation of the naira – which is a good idea from a good leader. But there will be overwhelming pressure which he will not be able to resist. Nigeria, we are in a valley. The future is crying for help.”
Expanding on the ‘valley’, Joshua said: “I explained that we are in a valley but it is not the valley of the shadow of death. There is no snake or scorpion, it’s different. When you are in the valley you will cry and cry but you will still get out of the valley.”

“You have to continue to cut your coat according to your size. Don’t just continue to spend your money on something that won’t be able to help you. Spend your money on something that the whole world will be looking for – food, shelter.”


Moving on the political climate in Africa, Joshua noted: “African leaders should quickly arrest the political situation. 50% of counties that do elections, at least 45% of them will face crisis. More African countries will be under siege by terrorists because of pros and cons in choosing leaders. Mishandling of electoral processes will create a conducive atmosphere for terrorists.”

Joshua also claimed to have seen an attack in the United Kingdom. He said: “Pray for the United Kingdom like the railways, people, and crowds where people gather because I’m seeing some funny people in their country. But I am seeing with prayer and proper security it will be avoided but there will be a sign or trace that this happened but it will not happen the way that it was supposed to have happened but they will know that something happened there.”


On the Egypt Air crash, Joshua said: “Egypt has happened and the other one I am seeing is very close and I am going to say the country and the place. This one that I am seeing now is bigger than the one that happened. This one is very close now.
Every airport security must be tight. You should be careful who you employ to fly as a pilot or flight attendant because they too will apply for this kind of job and they will be patient enough; if it is one or two years they will be patient until the achieve their goal.”

The cleric dishes out national and international predictions on a regular basis, using the platform of his Sunday services, broadcast live on his Emmanuel TV.

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