Sallah: Should a Christian eat the Muslim ram?

A reader who pleaded that his identity shouldn't be revealed just sent this piece and your comments and reactions are needed.
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I’m a christian..and I really don’t bother about the “Don’t eat sallah meat thing because you’re a christian”.

I eat their meat, once in a while…It’s being ages since I ate the Sallah meat. Last year I didn’t eat, same with previous year…But surprisingly this year, I’ve been planning to eat at a Friends place tomorrow….and all from no where yesterday, I had this bad toothache…

A friend said, “Maybe God does not want you to eat Muslim ram because it’s so wrong and against the doctrine”.
I’ve been having this argument with Mike about this issue… He’s sometimes confused…and he says it’s against their doctrine..that muslims have used the ram to atone for their sins.

Another person said: It is not only wrong but it’s a bad luck to eat it. They actually cast their lots (bad luck and past sins) on the ram before killing it and so if you partake in it…….

Forgive my jibber-jabber.

My question is….Is It Right For A Christian To Eat The Moslem Ram During This Celebration??

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